Caristan Cointeau

United Kingdom,28.02.1994,Rough (long),Black & White


Wizaland Newz Speculation At Mobella

Wizaland Newz Speculation At Mobella

出生日期: 05.04.1989
颜色: Black & White
性别: 公犬
United Kingdom
Caristan Forever Amber

Caristan Forever Amber

出生日期: 24.08.1986
颜色: Black & White
性别: 母犬
United Kingdom
Clan-Abby Casanova Too

Clan-Abby Casanova Too

New Zealand
性别: 公犬
出生日期: 18.01.1987
注册号: NZKC 02758/1987
颜色: Black & White
Francesca Of Clan-Abby

Francesca Of Clan-Abby

New Zealand
性别: 母犬
出生日期: 12.02.1986
注册号: KC 5414BY
颜色: Black & White
Mizanne the Perno of Caristan

Mizanne the Perno of Caristan

United Kingdom
性别: 公犬
出生日期: 28.02.1985
注册号: KCR K1980709K07
颜色: Black & White

Detania Emeraulde of Caristan

United Kingdom
性别: 母犬
出生日期: 08.09.1984
注册号: KCR K0097901K04
颜色: Black & White
Maghera Casanova

Maghera Casanova

性别: 公犬
Eveningsky Of Clan-Abby

Eveningsky Of Clan-Abby

New Zealand
性别: 母犬
Clan-Abby Lorna's Brae

Clan-Abby Lorna's Brae

New Zealand
性别: 公犬
Rullion Joy

Rullion Joy

性别: 母犬
Whenway Rhys Of Mizanne

Whenway Rhys Of Mizanne

United Kingdom
性别: 公犬
Mizanne the Dancer

Mizanne the Dancer

United Kingdom
性别: 母犬

Melodor Duncan of Detania

United Kingdom
性别: 公犬
Detania Sapphire

Detania Sapphire

United Kingdom
性别: 母犬

Fyneglen Playboy


Maghera Depeche Mode


Thunderline Of Clan-Abby

New Zealand

Clan-Abby Stormy Morn

New Zealand

Thunderline Of Clan-Abby

New Zealand

Clan-Abby Lorna Doone

New Zealand

Tullaview Tornado


Sarasota Saretta


Asoka Navajho Of Firelynx

United Kingdom

Wisp of Whenway

United Kingdom

Tilehouse Cassius Of Beagold

United Kingdom

Mizanne The Witch

United Kingdom

Tweed Of Muirend

United Kingdom

Melodor Flurry At Falconmoor

United Kingdom

Keppie of Stillmoor

United Kingdom

Detania Meg

United Kingdom