
Detania Summersam of Tosari

Detania Summersam of Tosari

出生日期: 15.06.1991
颜色: Black Tricolour
性别: 公犬
United Kingdom

Detania Summer Storm Of Tosari

出生日期: 29.06.1991
颜色: Black & White
性别: 母犬
United Kingdom
Caristan Champers

Caristan Champers

United Kingdom
性别: 公犬
出生日期: 11.09.1988
颜色: Black & White

Detania Patti

United Kingdom
性别: 母犬
出生日期: 29.08.1988
注册号: ISDS 177794
颜色: Black & White

Caristan Merlin At Detania

United Kingdom
性别: 公犬
出生日期: 24.04.1988
注册号: ISDS 175643, KC N5689904N04
颜色: Black & White

Detania Fleet

United Kingdom
性别: 母犬
出生日期: 24.04.1989
注册号: KCR K6395001L01
颜色: Black & White
Mizanne the Perno of Caristan

Mizanne the Perno of Caristan

United Kingdom
性别: 公犬

Detania Emeraulde of Caristan

United Kingdom
性别: 母犬
Lethans Hopeful Flame

Lethans Hopeful Flame

United Kingdom
性别: 公犬

Detania Giglet

United Kingdom
性别: 母犬
Mizanne the Perno of Caristan

Mizanne the Perno of Caristan

United Kingdom
性别: 公犬

Mobella Promise

United Kingdom
性别: 母犬
Sekwef Boomer

Sekwef Boomer

United Kingdom
性别: 公犬

Detania Louise

United Kingdom
性别: 母犬

Whenway Rhys Of Mizanne

United Kingdom

Mizanne the Dancer

United Kingdom

Melodor Duncan of Detania

United Kingdom

Detania Sapphire

United Kingdom

Kirkfield Kirk

United Kingdom

Kirkfield Shell

United Kingdom

Sealight Vagabond

United Kingdom

Detania Louise

United Kingdom

Whenway Rhys Of Mizanne

United Kingdom

Mizanne the Dancer

United Kingdom

Cluff of Mobella

United Kingdom

Gaerwen Gyp Of Mobella

United Kingdom

Detania Angus

United Kingdom

Detania Kelly

United Kingdom

Detania Rory

United Kingdom

Detania Lucy

United Kingdom