
Detania Magical Mystery Tour



Caristan Merlin At Detania

出生日期: 24.04.1988
颜色: Black & White
性别: 公犬
United Kingdom
Jillian of Detania

Jillian of Detania

出生日期: 24.07.1987
颜色: Black & White
性别: 母犬
United Kingdom
Mizanne the Perno of Caristan

Mizanne the Perno of Caristan

United Kingdom
性别: 公犬
出生日期: 28.02.1985
注册号: KCR K1980709K07
颜色: Black & White

Mobella Promise

United Kingdom
性别: 母犬
出生日期: 30.12.1983
注册号: ISDS 144547
颜色: Black & White
Sekwef Boomer

Sekwef Boomer

United Kingdom
性别: 公犬
出生日期: 07.12.1981
注册号: KCSB 2801 BT
颜色: Black Tricolour

Detania Thalassa

United Kingdom
性别: 母犬
出生日期: 01.01.1985
颜色: Black & White
Whenway Rhys Of Mizanne

Whenway Rhys Of Mizanne

United Kingdom
性别: 公犬
Mizanne the Dancer

Mizanne the Dancer

United Kingdom
性别: 母犬
Cluff of Mobella

Cluff of Mobella

United Kingdom
性别: 公犬

Gaerwen Gyp Of Mobella

United Kingdom
性别: 母犬
Detania Angus

Detania Angus

United Kingdom
性别: 公犬
Detania Kelly

Detania Kelly

United Kingdom
性别: 母犬

Melodor Duncan of Detania

United Kingdom
性别: 公犬

Detania Panda

United Kingdom
性别: 母犬

Asoka Navajho Of Firelynx

United Kingdom

Wisp of Whenway

United Kingdom

Tilehouse Cassius Of Beagold

United Kingdom

Mizanne The Witch

United Kingdom

Kirkfield Kirk

United Kingdom

Kirkfield Shell

United Kingdom



Gemond Dazzle

United Kingdom

Detania Lucy

United Kingdom

Keppie of Stillmoor

United Kingdom

Detania Meg

United Kingdom

Tweed Of Muirend

United Kingdom

Melodor Flurry At Falconmoor

United Kingdom

Keppie of Stillmoor

United Kingdom

Detania Meg

United Kingdom