Old Valley Esko Kaya

Netherlands,22.08.2005,Rough (long),Black & White


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Valley Of Border Cottage

Krāsa: Black & White
Dzimums: Kačēns
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Eyes Of The World Cate

Dzimšanas datums: 19.08.2003
Krāsa: Black & White
Dzimums: Suns
Krislyn Bomber at Beagold

Krislyn Bomber at Beagold

United Kingdom
Dzimums: Kačēns
Dzimšanas datums: 01.08.1993
Reģ. numurs: KCSB 0540 CF
Krāsa: Black & White
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Mobella The Fella

Mobella The Fella

United Kingdom
Dzimums: Kačēns
Dzimšanas datums: 22.04.1997
Krāsa: Black & White
Eyes of the World Yellow Rose

Eyes of the World Yellow Rose

Dzimums: Suns
Dzimšanas datums: 13.03.1999
Krāsa: Black & White
Clan-Abby Silver Kiwi At Beagold

Clan-Abby Silver Kiwi At Beagold

New Zealand
Dzimums: Kačēns
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Borderbreeze Snow Crystal At Krislyn

United Kingdom
Dzimums: Suns
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Beagold Mr Lennox

Beagold Mr Lennox

United Kingdom
Dzimums: Kačēns
Mobella Spring Breeze At Rossacre

Mobella Spring Breeze At Rossacre

United Kingdom
Dzimums: Suns
Beagold Stanalone

Beagold Stanalone

United Kingdom
Dzimums: Kačēns
From Borders Home Black Maggy

From Borders Home Black Maggy

Dzimums: Suns

Clan-Abby Blue Aberdoone

New Zealand

Pania Of Clan-Abby

New Zealand

Clan-Abby Blue Aberdoone

New Zealand

Clan-Abby Love Story At Borderbreeze

New Zealand

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Beagold Zac The Justifier At Eidas

United Kingdom

Beagold Annita Of Venron

United Kingdom

Blacdimonz Tritan From Mobella

United Kingdom

Mobella Spring Classic

United Kingdom

Clan-Abby Silver Kiwi At Beagold

New Zealand

Jephanil My Czech Mate

United Kingdom

Beagold Justification

United Kingdom

Rosehurst Kiri

United Kingdom